By Our Special Correspondent
Since the 1940s, women have been playing an increasingly large role in the business world. Nowadays, women are practically equal to men when it comes to business and there are a large number of female company owners and owners.
Business Women's Day honors the growing role that women play in the world of business today. There is still some work to be done to have a level playing field for women in all industries worldwide, but there is no denying that great strides have been made.
There are many historic dates in history related to women's rights, including women's rights in the workplace. Recent events include Hillary Clinton becoming the first woman to win the presidential nomination of a major political party, and Angela Merkel becoming the first female prime minister in Germany.
There are also important historical events. The first women's rights convention was held in New York in 1848, and a year later Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman to graduate from medical school.
To understand the history of Business Women's Day and the significance of this date, we need to delve deeper into the history of women in the business world.
The American Business Women's Association is a national professional association for women, founded by Kansas City businesswoman Jr. Hilary Bufton On September 22, 1949, Mr. Bufton and three other Kansas City businesswomen own the American Business Women's Association.
“I feel that all women seek and deserve equal business opportunities. He later wrote, "During World War II they acquired tremendous business knowledge, by necessity, and I felt that all businessmen needed a new organization."